Update to “War in the Middle East”

The News Agencies now report that the Iranians have left the Negotiations table sighting the Iranian Presidents 90 year old mother has passed. The previous time table was set at Mar 31, 2015 per the parties at the table. But the claim of returning to the Nuclear Negotiations Table next week is left open because they forgot to set a date to return! DOH!

Sources also say another sign of a crisis was the cancellation of briefing Friday in Brussels of British, German, French and European Union leaders on progress in the negotiations that was supposed to reflect progress toward a deal by the March 31 deadline.

Likely the reason for this is the fact that no one brought the Beer and they ran out of chips for the Nachos.

We’ll let you know if anybody makes a Beer run in the near future.

Be sure to assume the Ostrich position (head deep in the sand and a$$ hanging out) when “the you know what hits the fan”.

By this type of “serious negotiations” we can all surely sleep at night and be assured of the avoidance of the World Nuclear fall-out contamination. This all resulting from the play of “World at War” by blowing up the only home planet where humans tend to populate called Earth. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Landlord evicts some of the bad tenants very soon.

Stay Tuned.

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